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Linen blue striped shirt from Monti fabric

Since 1911 Gruppo Tessile Monti is the Italian excellence in shirting world.

The group is made up of five brands with five textile production plants and three garment manufacturing ones. Technology, innovation and internationalization to adapt the structures and strategies to the new requirements of the global market. Passionate color combinations and weaves are always the main characteristic of our collections. Basing on our tradition of more than 100 years, the wisdom of their historical archives and the incessant evolution of fashion, Monti create everyday new and trendy designs and structures. They use low environmental impact coloring provided by the leading companies in this sector. Monit fabrics daily undergo strict quality controls.


male light blue Adult L Bivolino in stock

VARESE - linen blue stripes shirt - NEON 1

Category : Weekend & Summer Linen
Vendor : VINC


You can customize your shirt entirely, or buy it directly..


 linen blue stripes tailored men shir

Description of the fabric Shirt options