What is a moto shirt?
A motorcycle club is an association of motorcyclists. Motor clubs are sometimes formed by motorcyclists from the same area (city or village), but often also by motorcyclists with a common profession, motor brand or type of motor, religious conviction and sexual orientation.
Hells Angels Motorcycle Club is the name of an international motorcycle club.
The club was founded on March 17, 1948 in Fontana / San Bernardino, in the US state of California. Members of the first hour were mainly ex-servicemen who, disenchanted by their war experiences, turned away from civil norms and values.
Buying moto shirts online?
Heavy flannel checkered shirts in check panes. Colors black-white, black-red. Alternatively, the checked western shirt with snap buttons, 2 pockets with flaps and button fastening. The checks are gelfs processed on the bags. Available online.
Motorcycle shirts designed online?
moto shirts - moto shirts